Anchor projects
In our anchor projects, business companies, Fraunhofer and the University of Freiburg pool their expertise. The Sustainability Center and the respective anchor partner develop a joint research road map and implement it in application-oriented and scientifically excellent ways.
The current anchor partners of the Sustainability Center are:
Become an anchor partner!!
The Sustainability Center is looking for new anchor partners. We are striving to develop innovative and sustainable solutions in close collaboration with you for the great challenges of our time.
It is our goal to involve sustainability-oriented businesses in the Sustainability Center.
Contact us. Based on your needs, we provide the matching research competences and develop a customized anchor project with you.
As our anchor partner, you benefit from the following services:
- Development and implementation of a joint research road map for solving your urgent research questions through the scientific expertise of the Sustainability Center
- Development of sustainable products and services
- Professional training of at least two highly qualified junior scientists
- Questions will be examined in a holistic way: in addition to technological aspects, economic and legal ones will also be considered
- Close networking with pilot project experts
- Prominent position in the Sustainability Center's public presentation